
The output from these stylesheets are Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples that you can process with the underutilized RDF toolset.

As this technology, product, and toolset evolve, you will be able to do more to bring this black art of voice application programming to the mainstream.

Those who use the Lotus C API for Lotus Notes/Domino are often reminded of a handy old Swiss Army knife: a snazzy little toolset that has an undocumented number of uses!

Using a toolset to prepare the code for the eyes of others before a review or inspection shows consideration for the reviewer/inspector.

The administrator for each specific resource with the appropriate toolset and knowledge is needed to help resolve any issues of this sort related to the backend.

As noted above, the main danger of such a toolset is the temptation to use more functionality than is necessary, which can strangle agile projects.


A functioning example such as the accounting toolset requires some support.

So not only do you have a portable SQL API, you also have a toolset that lets you instrument your business logic across the enterprise.

The book also addresses the pros and cons of using a proprietary toolset.