
A bag or sack used to carry mail or diplomatic dispatches.

The Courier was plied with wine until he fell asleep and his dispatches were then stolen.

Thirty-nine years ago this spring I was in Vietnam, busy sending non-stop dispatches back home about how well the war was going for the good guys.

It is run on startup, and dispatches to either the browser or renderer code depending on which capabilities the current process is in.

Like his two younger brothers he avidly read the Peking dispatches carried in the local press and news of the big strike in Shanghai on June third which followed.

The dispatches also shed light on older diplomatic issues.

Similarly, many of the dispatches allegedly leaked by Mr Manning are still considered government secrets.

When someone reports a sudden cardiac arrest in the San Ramon Valley, 30 miles (48 km) north of San Jose, the fire department immediately dispatches an ambulance.

Article 21 (1) A late acceptance is nevertheless effective as an acceptance if without delay the offeror orally so informs the offeree or dispatches a notice to that effect.


China Daily receives dispatches from all parts of the world.

Then she gets on the court, dispatches with her first few opponents and realizes that, yeah, she can do it.

Mordecai wrote in the name of King Xerxes, sealed the dispatches with the king's signet ring, and sent them by mounted couriers, who rode fast horses especially bred for the king.

When ESSearchServer dispatches the search query to a searcher session, it sends a query log entry to the database session.

The Great Mother only dispatches an avatar to defend her creations when they are under threat as a species in a world, or in a major part of it.

TD Bank, the American arm of Canada's Toronto Dominion, has a "Wow!" department that dispatches costume-clad teams to "surprise and delight" successful workers.

The state media recorded the calamity in dutiful but sparing dispatches.

The editor of The Economist presides over leader meetings while stroking a white cat and dispatches dissident journalists, via a trapdoor, into a shark tank.