
Rita : No, I've just had a manicure.

I want to have a manicure and a pedicure.

This fast drying formula prevents nail polish from fading and cihpping for a longer lasting manicure.

After work, Stack suggested going to the gym or running errands like grocery shopping or getting a manicure.

The chief stud at the Goldman Sachs–like firm of Churchill Schwartz, James has the polish and cold smile of a lizard with a manicure.

The Bubble base is just another way manicure fans are making their talons the focus of their look with jewels and patterns also piled onto the nail.

Hot tip: the simplest way out of this situation is to cut properly file and manicure your nails so that they do not lead to painful scratches on your partner.


Can I have manicure often?

What makes Zig Zag standard manicure special and professional?

Oh, I also want a manicure while I'm having the perm.

What it really means: The layer of dermis most likely to get exposed in a door slamming incident when your manicure is most thoroughly lit.

As she did, I tried to keep an open mind and not be distracted by her chipped, hot-pink manicure or the too few teeth she revealed as she spoke.

I would like a manicure, please.

Chris will occasionally rummage through my manicure/pedicure sets for clippers, scissors and pumice stones.

But now it seems that some men would appreciate the fact that hey they will go for a manicure or pedicure and feel good about themselves.

Would you like a manicure?

Everything associated with beauty: hairdresser, massage, manicure, pedicure, facial mask, beauty treatments, and of course a ILCSI sample store.

A man and a little boy entered a barbershop together. After the man received the full treatment - shave, shampoo, manicure, haircut, etc. - he placed the boy in the chair.

Do not manicure nails, pick your teeth, nose, comb hair or chat idly while in the public area.

I am not going to manicure my nails.

There's still a lot to sort out - we have to check-in to the venue, set up the sweetie buffet, collect bridesmaid dresses and have a manicure.

have [take] a course in manicure