
To fit a handle into a socket

Never poke a finger or scissors into an electric socket.

So, put down the hammer and screwdriver, and place the socket over the nut and turn.

During my three-hour surgery my eyeball was pulled out of its socket.

Injured O'Shea (hamstring, 19 Nov), Campbell (knee, Dec), Mignolet (nose/fractured eye socket, Jan), Gordon (knee, Feb)

Could a new kind of battery be recharged without a special power adapter, or even without a wall socket?

Plug the hole with wax or silicone, then screw the bulb into a socket and let someone walk into the room and throw the switch.

He had a black patch over his right eye socket, a prosthetic left arm and a deformed right hand, the result of injuries from an explosives mishap during an old operation against the Soviets in Kabul.

spearhead rope socket

This type of bulb screws into the socket.

To protect the device, you need to socket the power plug before turning it on.

By apperance, Africans are more close to the quadrumana, such like their high cheekbone, deep eye socket and pitched lips.

Now, let's look at the same test from Listing 4 but this time on a quad-socket quad-core topology (16 logical processors).

Insert the earphone plug into the socket, the built-in loudspeaker would be automatically switched off for a single person to listen without bothering others.


Send and event for the published socket.

The key to success with a socket wrench is pattern matching: The socket must match the nut.

If the socket does not exist, or cannot be opened, the client attempts to spawn a server.

Ball and socket joints let your arm bones rotate at the shoulders and also allow the wheels of your car to be turned through the steering column.

The little droid's datajack rotated in the wall socket.

She fear her eyes may actually pop out of their socket.

The survey also found that, on average, each physical machine hosts 15.6 VMs, is dual-socket with quad-core processors, and contains 50gb of memory alongside 2tb of storage.

Puckery eye socket, I have to chose pessimistic in frond of parallel line;

When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man.

A plan, on the other hand, lays out the structural details that will bring that house into existence, down to every last window, rain gutter and light socket.

There is an electric socket in the wall.

While JSSE does start the handshake automatically, it only does so when data is first sent across the socket.