
Dickon followed her with a queer, almost pitying, look on his face.

A shadow momentarily dimmed the blue eyes, but he smiled, pitying her.

This is Zhang Ruoxu's second reply. According to his habit of pitying ink like gold, it is very rare.

Ghost of a mother - thinnest fantasy of a mother - methinks she might yet have thrown a pitying glance towards her son!

Director Jason Reitman brings such splendid balance and nuance to Bingham's story that you can't hate the man; indeed you end up pitying him.

Guoliang meets Mei Lin Xing Hui, a dancer. Both of them are bereaved of their mothers. After being ill and pitying each other, they quickly live together like firewood.


I don't spend a lot of time pitying myself.

I had been pitying myself for not having books to read.

Good relationships are based on mutual admiration and respect, not pitying your partner or secretly thinking they're ignorant.

Small children giggled in the audience, and a few older ones smirked, pitying the old woman for her stiff arthritic fingers that would never be as good and agile as theirs.

His vacant face stared pitying at the postscript.

"Well, sir," said Elinor, who though pitying him, grew impatient for his departure,"and this is all?"

The wind redoubled in fury, and all at once the great tree fell, torn up by the roots, and lay among the pitying Reeds.

Martin found himself pitying him he knew not why, though he was soon to learn.

Through it all, she felt her father's eyes on her, a little pitying, a little annoyed at being faced with a problem for which he knew no answer.

Behind the words, at once self-pitying and vainglorious, the merits of the case were overwhelming.

Then, with due respect for the traditional rituals of the modern break-up, I email my best friend a self-pitying rant, and look up his girlfriend on Facebook.

At the risk of sounding self-pitying, I'd say it has been harder on me than it has on Joanne.

Writing articles should have the spirit of pitying ink like gold, try to delete the words and sentences that are not necessary, and make the articles shorter and more concise.