
Mover: Please trust us.

A puddle astonishes us.

It should give us energy, not drag us down.

She cautioned us against ignorance.

But it also terrified us.

Newspapers inform our opinion, educate us, entertain us, and keep us in touch with the world.

Wilt Thou bind us, most blessed Spirit, and enamor us with the Cross, and let us never leave it?

Because the experience happens inside of us.

Not just for some of us, but for all of us.

And if God is for us, who can be against us?

She didn't dazzle us, she reassured us, attracted us, held us with her simplicity, her desire to be useful to us, the sense she had of both our ignorance and our possibilities (Quinn, p. 214).

This could be something that makes us laugh, makes us think, makes us wonder, or even better, all of the above.

He'll be bursting in upon us at any moment.

The political system will outlast most of us.

When you go home and have the wedding, let us know as soon as 't keep it from us!

Not a single state trooper stopped us, but many passing motorists took great pains to honk and wave at us.

Busy is a kind of happiness, let us have no time to experience pain, running is a kind of happiness, let us truly feel life, fatigue is a kind of enjoyment, let us have no time to empty.

On our first day Jarrett drove us into an alfalfa field, got out of his car, and instructed us to sit still.

They will be entities as different from us as we are from a bug.

All of us qualify.

They might befriend us. They might eat us.

They even make us laugh.

Desires fuel our creativity, energize us, give us fulfillment, and push us to reach our goals.

They treated us with simple food.

He gave us very specific instructions.

And these vanilla beautiful photos discover for us this beauty and give us the happy feeling.

These are the realities that frustrate us, the things that piss us off, and the things that make us want to quit.

Tribulation, is just like the hungry tiger, chasing after us.

Instead, it will expose us more frequently and in more variations to the differences that surround us.

She was in her element. When she sensed tension between us, she ran from one to the other to assure us that we were good and she loved us.

Sometimes, we can fight alone, even if we are hurt, even if we are crying, even if we stand behind us, all of us will fall down.

Come with us, alternatively, meet us there.

Forests surround us, help us, feed us, protect us, teach us and entertain us - even if we take them for granted and never think about them.

She wants to spank us.

Someone we love might disappoint us, incurable sickness will embrace us, and some people will leave us behind.

Your explanation does not so much enlighten us as confuse us.

If we feel something within ourselves drawing us in one direction but also something drawing us the other way, what exactly can philosophy do to offer us illumination?

With expanded wings, the hawk soared above us.

As we mark this International day, let us remember that active tolerance begins with each of us, every day.

Some see us as conditioned by the rewards and punishment - innocence, shaped by the actions and reactions of everyone and everything around us.

The store billed us.

The dead whisper to us, they console us, they admonish us.

It's that deep desire inside us.

Imagination can make us anything, and, even if a Teiresias Syndrome leads to no overt ACTS, literature can make us anything and put us anywhere.

The supporting mini bus and trailer follow us across the country. Four men stand below us, with arms outstretched.

Saul said, "Let us go down after the Philistines by night and plunder them till dawn, and let us not leave one of them alive."

They greeted us with civility.

Beyond physical clutter, most of us carry accumulated stuff with us each day - mentally.

The truck overturned and precipitated us into the ditch.


It either frees us or enslaves us.

The highway patrolman waved us to stop.

The captain of the boat met us at the town pier, loaded us onto a small skiff, and then took us to a mooring out in the harbor, where the boat was waiting.

But she correctly points out that bacteria are everywhere: on us, in us and all around us.

Over many lunches, conference calls and email exchanges, we asked our clients to tell us what they thought about our service, where they heard about us and why they hired us.

Let us remember these truths. Let us resolve to build, not to destroy, and let us remember always that weakness comes from division, strength from unity.

Let us try to reason him into joining us.

Each of us may be sure that if God sends us on stony paths He will provide us with strong shoes, and He will not send us out on any journey for which He does not equip us well. -maclaren.