
So rather than sneer at Europe’s impotence, the world should be asking whether Europecan rediscover its vigour—and if so how.

Perhaps the Age of Excess had to end before we could all turn inward just enough to rediscover the gold standard of the perfectly formed phrase, and make connections again.


United now have to rediscover their dynamism for Wednesday's rematch with Bayern.

This works the same way as its namesake, the restaurant menu, which permits him to rediscover that delightful fish curry thing he ordered a year ago, without having to remember its precise name.

But why should it not be possible for the Clintons to rediscover a mutual affection 30 years in, just as their public lives begin to diverge?

We're trying to retrace their endeavors to rediscover their technology.

Sir Martin, too, thinks that American and European consumers have been “scarred”, and will take a long time to rediscover the joy of splashing cash around.