
The eastern sky was still clear, but graying, shot through with streaks of pink and orange.

Unlike many of their foreign counterparts, however, U. S. reactors are graying and getting creaky.

Even if the woman in question have wrinkles, eye bags, sagging jowls and graying hair, a rosy and firm set of lips will make them appear younger.

He was at this time in his late fifties, a tall, elegant man with good feathers and thick dark hair only sufficiently graying to add to the distinction of his appearance.


She had black hair, graying at the temples.

My father, graying but dignified in his red robes, looks right through me to the window, proving his point.

The graying, 150-pound Cheeta , one of six primates at the desert sanctuary 110 miles east of Los Angeles, is very active and "he still has every tooth in his head, " Westfall said Monday.

His father paused and looked back-the harsh level stare beneath the shaggy, graying, irascible brows.

More than28,000 Japanese are100 years or older, up from a mere1,000 at the start of the1980 s as solid health habits increase the graying of the population.

Because of being overworked, my mother's hair graying at her temples.

A man with large glasses and a graying mustache smiled.

Nishimura's study "implies that age-related graying could be a result of accumulated DNA damage," Fisher said.

The possibility of tinkering with the scalp's genes to prevent the onset of graying gained momentum four years ago when scientists made an albino mouse turn black in one patch.