
On the crowded coasts and in the Midwest, most tribal lands were lost to white settlers.

He said there are ongoing efforts to use American military trainers to teach paramilitary forces operating in the tribal regions.

Medications have their place, but an added referral to a tribal healer may relieve a patient's distress.

Mehsud was killed in August last year when a missile fired by a suspected U.S drone targeted his hideout in Pakistan's volatile South Waziristan tribal region.

In tribal areas, it provides an alternative to hard-line clerics with a medley of local news, talk shows, and music.

Musharraf said, it is "almost impossible" for bin Laden to hide in the tribal areas adjacent to Afghanistan "without being discovered" because his movement is surely accompanied by a large security entourage.


The country was torn apart by fierce tribal hostilities.

The ban on public mixing is rooted in tribal customs but became institutionalized as the country urbanized.

Mr Obama's loyalties, however, are post-tribal: he wants, characteristically, both sides to sit down and talk about it.

Mr Syed assembled a mobile of dozens of miniature drones made from box cutters, a silvery fleet of the American death machines that hunt and kill the Taliban in Pakistan's tribal areas.

(anthropology; of societies) preliterate or tribal or nonindustrial.

Prime Minister Gilani started the peace dialogue with militants through tribal elders several months ago to try to end militancy and violence in tribal regions along the border with Afghanistan.

The scars that mark Nigerian born singer Seal have long been rumored to be the result of a tribal scarification is not the case.

I find that sometimes people seek an easy escape into tribal 'tradition'.

Unlike the residents of great northern cities, or gilded areas of the south, middling suburbia has no tribal or historical link with either Labour or the Conservatives.

When the tribal council cavilled about her disregard for ceremony, she turned off their microphones.

An animal, a plant, or a natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor, or guardian.

Meanwhile Libya, with its checkered tribal history, might have a problem with armed young men in the streets.

Pakistan has also demanded that the US cease drone attacks on its tribal area, which have increased over the last year, allegedly killing several "high-value" targets as well as many civilians.