
The orchestra eggs the soloist on with its regular quavers.

The next day, the woodwind, brass, and percussion of the orchestra joined us.

When Queen Victoria was crowned in England, it was Strauss's orchestra that played at the coronation ball.

Before reaching his teens, Christophe was firmly installed as official second violinist in the court orchestra, where his father was concert master.

Meanwhile, Ling looks for more exciting cases for her show and brings an entire orchestra to her court. Richard obsesses with Ms. Shaw's waddle, but Francis shows him he's way out of her league.

A symphony orchestra came in first.

A slender wooden stick or rod used by a conductor to direct an orchestra or band.

On moonlit nights, when the pier is silhouetted against the glittering water, the ghost-sounds of a Palm Court orchestra seem to lilt across the waves.

It's a genre in which a soloist will confront the orchestra and there'll be a kind of give and take a spirited give and take — between the two.


You can be a soloist and play in an orchestra.

One of these evenings, we'd love to see the London Philharmonic, or a similar orchestra.

In the year, the orchestra organised an International Conference on the Development of Chinese Music in February, and was invited to tour Singapore in June and Canada in November.

If it was Monday lunchtime, it was choir; if the evening, school orchestra.

When perimenopause arrives with its roller-coaster ride of hormonal ups and downs, the entire orchestra gets out of sync, says Dr. Yan-Go, and disrupted sleep is frequently the result.

We can always tell when a musical group, whether a rock band, a jazz ensemble, a choir, or even an orchestra, is playing as one.

I was a violin (piano, flute) player in the college orchestra.

"They're all linked together like an orchestra," so when one cycle is out of whack, it tends to sideswipe the others as well.