
And then there are the deleterious effects America's price-distorting payments have on foreign farmers and so on trade negotiations.

One of the intelligent things this free website allows you to do is to stretch a single image into a panorama, without distorting any objects in the scene.

These things are harder to do in practice than in theory. Past purchases of government and private debt have already drawn accusations of political pandering and distorting the allotment of credit.

Massive clumps of matter can act as a giant cosmic magnifying glass, distorting space-time in their immediate vicinity.

Opponents argue that it is wrong to meddle with the building blocks of life and warn that the advances taking place to tackle infertility risk distorting and damaging relations between family members.

WHEN pundits worry about the distorting effects of cheap money on asset prices, they invariably single out the carry trade as a cause for concern.


Writing, in making the world light - in codifying, distorting, prettifying, verbalizing it - approaches blasphemy.

Because of their heft, the clusters act like giant cosmic lenses, magnifying, distorting and bending any light that passes through them - an effect known as gravitational lensing.

With no Doha deal to impose discipline, the volume of trade-distorting subsidies could surge.