
Why is the Pine Island Glacier melting so quickly?

It even helps to put this month's sea ice melting into perspective.

Polar bears are in danger, Numbers dwindling in the Arctic because of melting ice.

The forming condition of crystal and closed pore in tabular alundum produced with electric melting is estimated and determined theoretically.

To have a useful life, even the hottest quartz-halogen incandescents have to operate well below the filament's melting point.

Sometimes it destroys… The polar ice caps are melting. We can all do something to slow down global warming. It's in our hand to save the planet.

Other research shows that frozen methane (a potent greenhouse gas) may bubble up out of the melting Siberian permafrost in volumes that would raise global temperatures by several degrees.

Another one of the strange things on Tianshan are the white snow lilies. They grow in the crevices between the rocks above the snow line, nourished by the melting snow, swaying gracefully in the brilliant sunlight.

The butter is melting in the heat.

This has hardened, any melting due to friction long cooled, and the very fact that it is rumpled prevents the entire mass from melting again.

Their growth will likely counterbalance some of the increased emissions from melting permafrost.

Outside, it can alter monsoon cycles, speed glacial melting, and almost equal the impact of longer-term greenhouse gasses.

The melting glaciers should be a similar warning of our hubris — and of the consequences that the earth will face for centuries unless we address carbon emissions today.

More attentions are paid to high Z materials because of their high melting point and low sputter rate, but such materials remain the problems of brittleness to which is harmful for their application.


The melting ice, he says, may be his fault.

The erosion of metals varied depending largely on the melting point.

For example, unanticipated melting ice patterns in the northern reaches of Alaska has caused Metroil Industries to modify their strategy for accessing remote pipelines.

The volcano has erupted for the second time in less than a month, melting ice, shooting smoke and steam into the air and forcing hundreds of people to flee rising floodwaters.

You can obtain safe water by melting ice cubes.

The melting ice cap looks almost certain to create a navigable Northwest Passage and unleash a scramble for undersea resources.

You might hope that this columnist would travel by leisurely boat through the Panama Canal but he, too, wings it, when work calls, over the great circles close to the melting poles.

As spring progressed, warmer temperatures began melting snow, which raised the rate of inflow to the lake.

He was gone so swiftly, his black cape melting into the night, that they could hardly realize he had been there at all until they heard the spattering of gravel and the mad pounding of a horse going off at full gallop.

Such a rise would probably lead to fast-melting ice sheets, rising sea levels, drought, disease and collapsing agriculture in poor countries, and mass migration.

Slowly trail melting ice across your partner's body a - blindfold him to heighten sensitivity.

The full piece opens with a series of blurred faces melting into one another as a waterfall effect trickles down the screen.