
There's a branch of mathematics that is based on lunacy, and that's wonderful.

His red perturbation of mind would be best covered and pass concealed under a disguise of pretended lunacy.

But, as it transpired, apart from the occasional display of motorised lunacy, the going was trouble-free, while most of the routes were in better shape than elsewhere in Eastern Europe.


saying lines that teeter on the knife - edge between literature and lunacy(bVincent Canby)

To say that a human being is the result of an accidental evolutionary process is sheer lunacy.

But all this was essentially dreamy lunacy.

A new poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC news provides another example of this. Let's consider some of the lunacy.

With France's recovery fragile, the prospect of more such lunacy is chilling.

Love exists but with an absence of eternity. Psychologically,lunacy,emptiness, panic,delusions that the moment will last forever. I hide behind my back and postpone all answers.I'm seized by desire.愛情出現,存在,卻又輪換交錯,消失。 心理上的精神失常、空虛、恐慌、妄想,將永遠伴隨。我躲藏在自己身後,將所有的話,延緩到閉嘴。但是我被慾望抓住了。

However, stating ozone has no known medical USES is nothing short of sheer lunacy.