
A popular chant among the protesters is "One!"

They do not chant or faint like Barack Obama’s fans used to.

Looming over the doomed kobold, the priestess drew a slender black wand from her belt and began to chant softly.

This chant was the very basic teaching material for those Taiwanese children to learn to count decades ago. And both adults and kids loved it.

That Arsenal chant must gnaw away at Tottenham fans who have suffered the indignity of watching their local rivals clinch the title on their ground not once, But twice.

That was the chant from the mourners at a funeral in a Damascus suburb today.

The world to you is like an old woman's chant at her spinning-wheel, unmeaning rhymes crowded with random images.

They will run wearing shoes made from car tyres, carrying their sticks and shields, and chant Masai songs as they go around the course.


While the participants lie in their coffins, monks chant prayers.

In the front row, I see my mother, she is smiling at me... It is a nice feeling to be on stage and able to chant.

Close to the coast along the Yellow River in Qinghai bow, chant, put wood chant, chant forest with logging, agricultural district ramming chant, playing wall chant, chant, etc. play flail.

“MORE capital, better capital” has been the chant of central bankers and regulators, as they strive to rebuild the banking system on more solid foundations.

The faery children began to chant "Aniday, Aniday," and a cry sounded in my heart.

But there were unifying themes, too: tents, social media, the "human microphone" - where the crowds chant back phrases uttered by a speaker, and shaky "jazz hands" to indicate agreement.

Get ready to smile, chant, eat dark chocolate and dream... big!