
You grow spiritually, you have to face yourself.

This is the road of the unhoused, of the spiritually seeking, of the wandering, of the lost.

So valuable is it that worldly love should always have the element of spiritual friendship, or it would be spiritually meaningless.

Working with psychological researchers, the Army developed a survey to assess a soldier's family relationships and his well-being - emotionally, socially and spiritually.

So, I think it really stood in a way for this kind of transfiguration that would take place for her spiritually but also in the beauty of her writing.

The Yogi is spiritually one with the entire universe around him.

One of them mentioned that lost souls often seek out those who are sensitive and spiritually aware.

Then, with the help of a spiritually heightened awareness, he was able to focus on those particular facts that would help him to see, in a metaphorical sense, the future.


They were supported by us both materially and spiritually.

Outwardly our body suffers wear and tear, but spiritually we can be renewed every day by spending time alone with God.

They were spiritually regenerated by his speech.

This part of me wants to prove that I'm good at meditating, that I'm spiritually advanced, that I've reached some optimal level of serenity.

In Mark 8:14-21 he tells his disciples that they are spiritually blind and have hard hearts.

In many religions, the people considered to be the most spiritually mature and holy are those who isolate themselves from others in mountaintop monasteries, uninfected by contact with other people.

If you fail to nurture your daughter's budding spiritually, it may be extinguished.