
Jack gets inside the limo's backseat and questions Cofell again.

Our cramped little bus is stiflingly hot and the backseat is no more.

No amount of backseat hectoring gets him to move above speed limits that every other vehicle ignores.

But in this case, the humanity of Pakistan's victims takes a backseat to the preconceived image that Westerners have of Pakistan as a country.

Dad picked me up, and we walked back to the car. I fell asleep in the backseat, and when I awoke we were home, and it was time for dinner.

A deep sigh of contentment came from the backseat. "I love my life, " Nate said.

Eight people died in the collision, including three little girls who were sitting in the minivan's backseat.

Given the highly theoretical nature of warp speed travel, safety issues usually take a backseat to fundamental questions about its feasibility.


Put the small bags in the backseat, please.

We cannot let enforcement of existing trade agreements take a backseat to the negotiation of new ones.

Would you stop being a backseat driver?

Surprisingly, the Mayan calendar also took a backseat and it was little more than a back story for most of the film.

After years of making and remaking the site, pride of ownership takes a backseat to the sheer rush of creation.

As always, I had the whole backseat to myself, so I lay down and watched the tall buildings along Lake Shore Drive flicking past the window. "Sit up, Henry" said Mom. "We're here."

Two small children sat in the backseat, their eyes wide with fear.