
which he spent dictating a report on his meeting with Mr. Kaye into a dictating machine.

Doris Kaye, a distant relative who sent $100, said that er had never considered herself an underdog.

Once again, I thank to master and also my student Too Kaye Shyang for introducing "Qigong" to me.

In a dissent, Chief Judge Judith Kaye said the court failed to uphold its responsibility to correct inequalities when it decided to simply leave the issue to lawmakers.

“我們的團隊認為,在信貸市場大規模錯位的情況下,我們將有足夠的潛力創造長期價值”。*北投資管理公司的聯合創始人Jonathan Kaye如是説。

Mr. Young's secretary delivered the report on his meeting with Mr. Kaye,

The other star of the sports staff, and Tom's best friend in the newsroom, was Kaye Kessler.

“We are a poor nonprofit, and I’ve been working on this issue for years, ” said Mr. Kaye, who hopes to receive grants from the drug makers to help pay for the conference.


Mr. Kaye therefore delayed his return home and asked for a further meeting.

It might have lasted indefinitely except for the fact that Ella Kaye came on board one night in Boston and a week later Dan Cody inhospitably died.

Danny Kaye International Children's Awards Programme

In 1997, Kaye Reed of Arizona State University in Tempe, deduced that the habitat consisted of varied landscape of bush, shallow wetlands, gallery forest, and medium-density woodland.

Mr. Young Left Mr. Kaye in the small reception room on the Disc stand for a few moments,

Vanessa didn't know what to say because this was the first time she had ever spoken to Malone without Kobe or Kaye being around. Karl continued. 'Do you like me?

Doris Kaye, a distant relative who sent $100, said that Mrs. Werner had never considered herself an underdog.