
May : Wow, coffee and cheese puddings. Love it.

While the puddings are cooking, you can make the butterscotch sauce.

They go to a counter where individual servings of puddings, cakes, and pies are set out under a glass case.

Rhubarb is a very underrated plant –it produces some of the nicest tasting puddings and is incredibly easy to grow at home.

Liza was in a bad tamper, for she was mixing the Christmas puddings in the kitchen, and had been drawn from them, with a raisin still on her cheek, by Nana's absurd suspicions.

It can also be made into bread, crackers, beverages and puddings.

We have many kinds of pies and puddings, such as lemon pies, apple pies, coffee rums pies, and ice cream.

Hans is the only one of us who has a sweet tooth. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't bother making puddings at all.


Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.

Or, Greek diners may head to a bakery for honey - dipped cookies, nut cakes, puddings, or other desserts.

Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings.

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season.

Larva, grown in humus, can be turned into pureed and creamed soups, puddings, or omelets by skilled cooks.

Early evening there may be another sightseeing trip followed by a late restaurant dinner – perhaps cured beef, lamb casserole, more rioja and creamy puddings.

Always wake up late, chubby but good at puddings gymnastics, absolutely super happy moments to you.