
Harry Truman thrived on the cut and thrust of politics.

The humpback chub, for example, thrived in the rust-red waters of theColorado.

I enjoyed it. No, I thrived on it. I loved being the hero.

Baldwin said the girl has thrived in school and has no learning problems, although she has moderate asthma.

For years, French, Italian and American luxury brands have thrived as China's middle class developed a taste for high-end fashion and jewelry.

With rising economic level and improvement of local livelihoods, the culture of bamboo building has survived and thrived through historical changes and adversities.

Set up in 1982, the Weather Channel was given just weeks to survive by its critics, but such is the interest in the vagaries of the climate that it has thrived.


He thrived on the adulation of his underlings.

Cattle left outdoors to fend for themselves thrived on this God-given hay.

Faced with extinction, these firms tried to change the very rules under which they had thrived for so long.

VPL thrived for a while, selling 1.3m basic data gloves to Mattel, a toymaker, and a smaller number of high-end gloves to NASA and IBM.

The creatures are believed to have thrived on the sulphur spewed out by volcanoes - making them similar to the modern bugs that can make our bathroom drains less than fragrant.

No wonder his business thrived when the other one failed.

Salmon once thrived here, but over the years DAMS, overfishing and habitat destruction have diminished their number.

He thrived on this, but after 17 years I didn't like what the relentless production of a newspaper column was doing to my writing.

She thrived on an active social life.

He served as a quiet counsel as his son jumped into and thrived in the cutthroat business world.

He adored New York idolised it all out of thrived on the hustle bustle of the crowds and the York was his town,and it always would be.他崇拜紐約。他無以復加地將其偶像化……他在行*匆匆的人羣和熙來攘往的車流中如魚得水……紐約是他的城市,一如既往地屬於他。

By the mid-18th century, though, Britain was the biggest slaving nation, and ports like Bristol, Liverpool and London thrived as a result.

Book clubs thrived when book stores were scarce, and they once enjoyed huge memberships.

The good weather, laundry good business but the umbrella shop has not thrived, but is opposite, gets down the rainy day umbrella shop good business but the laundry to suffer the crime.

And for years the so-called shadow banking system thrived, away from prying eyes.