
A hard-hearted hunker hunted a hard-hunted hare.

A hard-hearted economist might spot potential savings (especially on pensions) from people dying younger.

Although the mother says with a good distriBution, not run out, but I know my mother would not be so hard-hearted look at me on the street.

But the hard-hearted soldier who trapped her was not moved at all by this, even though some of the nicer soldiers told him he ought to let her go.


Her husband is a hard-hearted man.

I am a hard-hearted, a teether, or unconscionable decision to post the top landlord.

Suizhou thought family was still waiting, the registry might have also remembered the big sister, so a hard-hearted, stay in the police station door, and so on!

Mom always so hard-hearted, I always know.

Xiao Ming has never been such a hard-hearted person. It is puzzling how he suddenly became so cold and heartless recently.

This hard-hearted woman pushed her son into a running car. She's so crazy.

Her father is a hard-hearted man.

I was picked to open their own hard-hearted, and squeezed out the white Zhifang Li on the hook.

In a final pair of experiments, the scientists tested metaphors like "hard-hearted" and "she's a rock" by first having people touch either a wooden block or a soft blanket as part of a magic trick.