
There was also a kind of insane and endearing orderliness about Sebastian's choice, in his extremity, of an open window.

Researching settlement mechanism deeply, especially ex post price, is of great significance to strengthen the stability and orderliness of real time power market by economic means.

Influenced by the Crescent School of Poetry, Lin Huiyin emphasizes the regularity and orderliness in poems' form, and she also has her own style with diversification at the same time.

Whole Stamping, heat treatment, blade special make, tartness and orderliness.

Chinese and Indian websites were agog at the orderliness of the Japanese, even those now homeless and even as the nuclear panic mounted.

Looked at from that Angle, the orderliness we see on the roads is a general expression of the capacity for human society to work in the context of self-interested individualism.

Elsewhere, though, the ingrained instinct for orderliness and calm has kept its hold even amid difficult moments.

From the refinement and great orderliness of the Shunde cooking culture, we may see the grand demeanor described as "ruling a great nation just like cooking a small delicacy".

Use orderliness and stability to confront chaos and disorder. Use calmness and steadfastness to deal with noisiness and clamour. This is control of the psychological factor.


And the stoicism and orderliness of the Japanese public impressed the entire world.

The victory of National Liberation War entirely realized Chinese national independence,and it incarnates the orderliness of historical period of China.