Wolf Blitzer造句

3、"We can't overemphasize how significant this is, " says CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "It's one of those moments that we will always, always remember."

1、That's why I asked [CNN anchor] Wolf Blitzer on the air, Is Anna Nicole Smith still dead?

5、CNN的Wolf Blitzer表示:“我們不能夠過分強調他的死亡有什麼標誌*的意義,但這是我們永遠不會忘記的時刻。”

Wolf Blitzer造句

2、In a televised interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Clinton was asked, "How did you lose so much weight?"

4、Finally, at 6:26 p.m., over a picture of people gathering near UCLA Medical Center, Wolf Blitzer announced that the L.A. Times and CBS News had reported that Jackson had died.