
disconnects the signaling path to the DS1 interface

A device that interrupts, bypasses, or disconnects a circuit or circuit element.

connects or disconnects driving and driven parts of a driving mechanism.

A transient cookie is like any other with the exception that it is destroyed once the user disconnects from the server or is inactive for some preset time.

This chat server is pretty simple. It is so simple that it is lacking some very basic features such as an identification of who sent each message or handling the case where a client disconnects.

Controller automatically turns off heater if thermocouple fails or disconnects.

It decides if the agent can stay or not when the connection disconnects.

Listing 2, is shown below which contains a sample Perl script that creates a table, inserts and fetches rows from it, and then drops the table and disconnects from the database.


With Single Disconnect, one side just disconnects.

The messaging system unsubscribes a non-durable subscriber when it disconnects, and resubscribes it when it reconnects.

The device automatically disconnects the ignition.

If a client disconnects from this chat server and anyone sends a message, the server will crash.

Inserting the AC supply lead into the unit automatically disconnects the batteries.

You may also find that there are significant disconnects between some stakeholders’ perceptions of their users and what you discover in your research. This information can become an important discussion point with management later in the process.

The device automatically disconnects the ignition when the engine is switched off.