
This flagrant untruth reverberated so pleasantly between my ribs that I almost said it again.

By clogging it up with such truth versus untruth, it leaves little space for the truth to just BE.

The wise man knows a step back to see the problem, to leave a cushion for others' mistakes, to see the untruth of the troubles, to see through the contingency and necessity of the right and wrong, the Zen Buddhism: the original retreat is the forward.

On the other hand, there is surely such a thing as untruth.

Embarassed over having let herself be caught on the verge of such a untruth, she coughed two or three times, in order to put the little prince in the wrong.

Many occurrences, like untruth information disclosure, still repeatedly occur. It destroys normal order and hurts investors' heart.


They have simply followed each other in reporting an untruth.

The mental state test technique is a technique of a newly arisen crime examination, but the "testing untruth" numerously appear on the medium, and is extensive for the public to accept.

I shall conquer untruth by truth.