
We need a good batter on our team.

Slowly pour into ginger egg yolk batter in 3 portions. Gently mix well to make souffle batter.

If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter.

The enraged cyclist used his bike to batter the motorist’s car until a bystander punched him.

The sweeping release arm will help to clean all batter from the scoop and you won't miss a drop.

Pour a half cup of strawberry pancake batter onto the hot griddle. Cook eight minutes or until the top is bubbly.

With ratio, you can do away with recipes altogether. This app gives ratios for food fundamentals. A batter ratio is equal parts liquid and flour and half that much egg.


The batter executed the bunt perfectly.

The batter hit a pop fly to the shortstop.

I also zested the pan with fresh lemon rind before filling with batter.

Daily menu is rather various - borsch, sandwiches with cheese, zucchini in batter, nautical pasta (macaroni with meat), etc.

In baseball it has been found that if one team's pitcher hits a batter with the ball, the likelihood of the other team's pitcher retaliating in kind goes up with the temperature.

The batter was too stiff to beat easily.

The pitcher threw a high inside pitch to brush the batter back.

To protect his novel production process, which involves encasing the alcohol in batter and dunking it in a fryer, he recently applied for a patent.

Pancakes are made from batter.

The batter hits a fly ball to the outfield, right in between the left fielder and the center fielder.

Or, bake your cake batter in a 9-inch square and a 9-inch circle pan (the square pan must have sides the same length as the circle's diameter).

Pour some egg over, sprinkle chopped scallions and sesame seeds. Cook the batter for 1-2 minutes.

Some are to get the batter off balance, have him swing early, and to make the fastball seem faster to the batter.

The robots in Capek's play are not mechanical men made of metal. Instead they are molded out of a chemical batter, and they look exactly like humans.

A thousand rocket bombs would not batter it down.