
You should weed the garden before supper.

Break taking can also involve naps, weed, television, video games, or meditation.

Heywood admits that there may be pitfalls-the prospect, for example, that employers could weed out workers with rare diseases.

Tough brown grass and weed trees sprouted from the gaps between the cobbles, and the mossy walls of what once might have been a huge stone manse.

To create and criticize at the same time is like watering and pouring weed killer onto seedlings at the same time.

Her final employment was to gather sea-weed, of various kinds, and make herself a scarf, or mantle, and a head-dress, and thus assume the aspect of a little mermaid.


The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.

One biotech hobbyist claims to have created a weed resistant to Roundup, America's most popular herbicide.

annual weedy herb with ephemeral yellow purple-eyed flowers; Old World tropics; naturalized as a weed in North America.

Many employers start filling vacancies below the executive level by using a team of recruiters or human-resources personnel to weed out applications that fail to meet a job's basic qualifications.

I volunteered to weed the hospital garden.

As he crumples the flowering end of the weed in his hand, Nelson grimaces.

I find using a hoe is the easiest and quickest way to weed a flower bed. It's fast and it really saves my back.

Do I do my hair with a weed whacker?

The parallel and fast algorithms about capturing and processing dynamic images of infield weed detection were studied under the lighting, indoor and dynamic conditions.

Isn't it absurd to plant crops and not weed the fields?

I always check out the fields before I allow them to graze. If there are poisonous plants in the area and go through and weed out everyone by hand.

For example, he said, even when farmers are too weak from malaria to weed, their crops survive.

So not only has this great entrepreneur figured out a way to turn a weed into a market-ready fuel, but he does so by turning poor farmers into energy entrepreneurs.