
Because of the failure the catastrophe will be coming.

The catastrophe would be stamped in their minds.

No matter what your job entails, sleep deprivation can be a catastrophe.

NewsFeed is always reluctant to be morbid, But this has really been a banner year for catastrophe.

A SHIPWRECK is a catastrophe for those involved, but for historians and archaeologists of future generations it is an opportunity.

Error catastrophe occurs when high mutation rates give rise to so many deleterious mutations that they make the population go extinct.

But do more than that: Retaining even one key tip from this column could make the difference between a small "oops" and a major catastrophe.

Our generation's response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet it – boldly, swiftly, and together – we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe.

But that is hardly a catastrophe.

We need to act before crisis turns into catastrophe.

There will, barring a global catastrophe, be far more people on Earth than today.

She declared a "state of catastrophe" and said: “With the quake of this magnitude, we cannot rule out other casualties.

But maybe the Japanese people could use the experience of this catastrophe to rebuild a society bound together with a renewed trust.

Los Angeles - The catastrophe unfolding in Gaza has the dark force of a recurring Middle Eastern nightmare: Scattered guerrilla-like attacks from the weak lead to massive retaliation by the strong.


The earthquake was a terrible catastrophe.

The problem is likely to be the way Ward chooses to describe that catastrophe.

In the next 18 months, you'll hear thoughtful proposals, outrageous reactions, and predictions of catastrophe or paradise.

As the hurrricane season draws to a close this week, the lack of big storms making landfall in the US this year has pushed reinsurers' catastrophe losses to historically low levels.

Their English party turned out to be a catastrophe.

For many of these families, emergency unemployment insurance is the last line of defense between hardship and catastrophe.

The malevolent earthquake and tsunami in Japan have jolted our minds back to the 2004 catastrophe in the Indian Ocean, as well as to last year's tsunamis in Chile and Sumatra.

But the risk of a secondary catastrophe, of disease and starvation, remained high.

Under such an impact, the properties of the soil ecosystem characterized by nonlinear responses to forced conditions may show a tendency of catastrophe and trigger a more serious environmental risk.

Whether she did that as effectively or as forcefully as the catastrophe demanded is the question that now haunts the Governor.

Some want restrictions to cut population growth and forestall ecological catastrophe.

But people believe that walking amidst the vast, month has thorns, catastrophe, tasted one hundred taste, there must be life and meaningful.