
Jack enclasped her waist in his arm.

Jodhpurs curved to the waist and velvet vests were snug.

Her bare arms lay gracefully beside her slender waist.

Works of literature and philosophy are stacked waist-high next to the desk.

I don't know how long, suddenly the waist trembled, beeper ringing.

He had "a lady's waist," a victorious manner of trailing his sword and of twirling his mustache in a hook.

The researchers noted that participants in both groups also had reduced waist circumference, blood pressure, insulin resistance, visceral abdominal fat and liver fat content.

Some argue that waist circumference is a superior risk-assessment tool because the abdominal area is considered the most dangerous location for adipose tissue to accumulate.

Her figure looked singularly tall and imposing as she stood in her long white nightgown, a thick cable of twisted dark hair hanging straight down her back to her waist.

A dive executed by jumping headfirst, bending the body at the waist, and, with the legs straight, touching the feet with the hands before straightening out to enter the water hands first.

She tied an apron around her waist.

Adjustable waist and adjustable elastic suspenders provide a great fit.

Mark around the block outline, pivoting the neck dart and waist dart into the new position.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, " he murmured softly, wrapping his left arm around my waist and pulling me to him.

I slid my arm round her waist and murmured breathlessly that if we were counting heads, the Buddhists were the boys for my money.

Importing from the West was illegal, so she would take me with her and strap furs around my waist, hidden under my jumper, so that the border guards wouldn't discover them on the train home.

The boy stripped to the waist.

The uncut grass came up to her waist.

If the skirt is too big, we can take in the waist.

The cunning orange sheath with the pleated waist that she wore to receive the heir to the Japanese throne?

The scene in which Mammy harnesses Scarlett’s waist down to 18in inspired generations of sadistic fashion designers but, fiddle-dee-dee, we can’t help loving those Walter Plunkett designed ballgowns.

He put his arm around her waist.

He heard the Witch laugh, and caught her by the waist, and whirled her madly round and round.

Scarlett, looking across the room, saw Rhett reach under his coat tails and produce two revolvers which Archie took and shoved into his waist band.

She wears a ribbon belt round her waist.

Passing Boreen Point, home to the historic Apollonian Hotel, famed for its Sunday spit roast, we see stingrays and stonefish in waist-deep Lake Cootharaba.

CARDIA study scientists weighed and measured the waist circumference and BMI of study participants. The waist circumference was measured to the nearest half centimeter.


She girded her waist with a sash.

Gesture: Lower hands to your waist, clench slightly, and move up and down as if carrying a heavy weight.

She rose and drew about her her loosened garments and fastened them closely about her throat and waist, fitting them to her body with a slow writhe and twist.