
Conversely, as the mood improves, craving for sweets may abate.

Modern people reading Ignatius' letters, and he looks like he's morbid in his craving for martyrdom.

If you have a chronically positive attitude to smoking this could boost your craving.

Months later, I'm still craving his pistachio naan, made with dried fruits and a dusting of confectioners' sugar.

These include nicotine patches, which slowly release nicotine into the bloodstream, and nicotine gum, lozenges, and inhalers which provide a 'hit' of nicotine when you get a craving.

A cold spirit of vanity that had no warm human contacts and that was as corrupt as any low-born Jew in craving for prostitution to the bitch-goddess success.

If you are craving dessert, opt for something lower in calories and fat, like sorbet, fresh berries or fruit. Or better yet, share your dessert with your dining partner.

The freedom which you are all craving is near.

We expect gamers to develop a strong craving for the speed and mobility of 4G service.

Ice cream is low GI, which means it releases its sugar gradually into your blood afer you've eaten it, which means you're not left desperately craving for more.

We all know that Fried food is not particularly good for us, but that doesn't stop us craving the occasional crispy, crunchy golden brown something or other.

Have a craving for some Cajun food?

LEHRER: How should this change the way we think about addiction or craving?

And once you have the kingdom, you don't need to run after objects of your craving, like power, fame, sensual pleasure, and so on.

Beleaguered and poor though she sometimes felt, or craving an interruption in the sea of asphalt and iron, a silence in the tide of chatter, she couldn't imagine giving it up.

It doesn't happen often, but when I have a really strong craving I let myself at it.

"If I have a craving for a snack, I will eat one piece of fresh or three pieces of dried fruit." it will be hard in the beginning, but it will get easier, and that's the whole point.

If you are craving dessert, opt for something lower in calories and fat, like sorbet, fresh berries or fruit.

Usually after finishing exercise the craving will have passed.

Conclusion the activation of specific brain areas in craving state induced by heroin related cues were located in the left anterior cingulated cortex and left prefrontal cortex.


She is craving for love and affection.