
The foundation has praised the councils’ responsiveness to local needs.

Basically, some councils in the early church, councils that would be called by the Emperor, for example, by Constantine or his successors.

The refugees have been passed around between the army, the police and local councils.

But even that is not all bad: it suggests the bullies are starting to recognise the councils' power.

A couple of years ago, a consensus emerged among reformers that councils had too much control and parents too little.

But councils say this is dangerous and risks theft of nuclear material by terrorists en route, arguing the material should be treated as waste and "immobilised" at Dounreay.

For America, providing desperately needed cash to Europe was its entry into the councils of power, a process that ultimately brought a powerful new player inside the global tent.

InOctober 1956, when Hungary exploded against Soviet occupation, Mr Faludy was in the thick of it, as adelegate from the Writers' Association to the workers' councils that ran much of the revolution.

Nearly half of all local councils will be restricted.

Strictly, enforcers employed by the police are traffic wardens, whereas councils employ CEOs.

The last time Labour lost these councils was in 1977, two years before it was ousted from power nationally.

It is then possible for a market to develop in which schools, hospitals and local councils buy capacity and entrepreneurs can establish self-sustaining private telecentres.

The foundation has praised the councils' responsiveness to local needs. It also suggests that the rigour of standing for election may have helped focus the minds of the councillors.


Local councils to allocate housing on a points system.

Perhaps by the end of next week all eight councils will be painted blue.

One suggestion that may be taken up is the creation, at least for a time, of mixed councils to run the province.

Now London city councils are installing new CCTVs with loudspeakers, operated by remote coppers who can lean in and make a speaker bark at you, “Citizen, pick up your litter.”

They should be backed by institutions such as independent fiscal councils.

He expects councils to lobby developers for new homes, as the lure of cash for swimming pools or cycle paths outweighs the "relative inconvenience" of construction.

Parliament: The political institution Origins of Parliament - King's councils The origins of Parliament go back to the 12th century, when King's councils were held involving barons and archbishops.

He emphasised the coalition's enthusiasm for outsourcing publicly funded services and gave the country's emasculated local councils more authority over their budgets (while also slashing them).

Beware of people, because they will hand you over to councils and flog you in their synagogues.

Alderman sat in municipal councils.

The cash saving suggests it works and the British government now plans for more councils to use lie detectors.