
How will he himself accomplish his shift from this world to the hereafter?

The best way to accomplish what on the list is to give each task a specific time slot.

Adequate trip planning and preparation helps backcountry travelers accomplish trip goals safely and enjoyably, while simultaneously minimizing damage to the land.

To execute, sign, seal, deliver, and present any all documents, and other pertinent papers, instruments and writings of whatever nature, kind and description, including employment contracts, necessary to accomplish the purposes for which this special power of attorney has been granted.

To accomplish this great task, we must make a leap in theory, i.e., to have a scientific understanding of ownership.

Figure 14-3: Eye movement across an interface should form a logical path that enables users to efficiently and effectively accomplish goals and tasks.

Above all, he deeply wanted to accomplish something.

To accomplish this, we must move beyond a superficial notion of Asian values and explore the history of ethical reasoning in China.


A secret plan to accomplish a hostile or illegal purpose;a scheme.

Led by its core business of sub-conglomerates, Uni-President will be able to strengthen overall competitiveness and accomplish the goal of "Shared Services, Shared Benefits" within the group.

It is remarkably effective, because the software doesn’t have to insult the user to accomplish its ends.

Complex or confusing interactions that require too much attention to accomplish can put all on the road at risk, and such systems require significant design effort and usability validation to avoid such issues.