project into造句

This is the mental experience which he'll project into action.

Service learning subjects incorporate a community service project into the academic learning experience.

Article 28 no contract undertaking unit may sublet the whole project to another unit or divide the project into several parts and sublet them to other units.

The Chinese party is not permitted to break the whole project into parts or examine and approve ultra vires;

Located in the fluid-filled part of the inner ear called the cochlea, these outer hair cells sport tufts of hair-like cilia that project into the fluid.

The confirmed layout for the water diversion program plans to divert water separately from the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, dividing the project into west, middle and east routes.

Many project teams find it hard to divide a project into meaningful iterations before they know what the project is really about.

OpenUP divides the project into iterations: planned, time-boxed intervals typically measured in weeks.

Before you begin using an adapter, you first need to import it as a project into your application.

Monitoring and audit have now become an integral part of the EIA process. Often they extend beyond the construction of a project into its operation.

But even the free publicity couldn't turn that sensational project into an inspiring motion picture.

To access the sample code used within this project, download the zip file (see Resources section), expand the zip file into your filesystem, and then import the contained project into Eclipse.

Enter project into Project Office management

It distills what we learned on the project into seven practical principles that illustrate how you can succeed with your own business requirements project.

project into造句

Load Project : Loads a project into the current solution.

Volkswagen has introduced the eT! Concept - an all-electric van created as a research project into the viability of electric-only transport and logistics.

Download the attached sample project into your file system and unzip it.

An iterative approach divides a project into a sequence of short timeboxes called iterations (which are sometimes referred to as "sprints" or "cycles").