
The door closed behind us, and we stood there in the quiet, pitch-black house.

A layer of ice several miles thick coats its fractured surface, with 1,000 - foot ice cliffs piercing a pitch-black sky.

Inside the gallery, the first thing we saw was a variety of brightly coloured, powdery sculptures, coloured red, yellow and pitch-black, protruding through the walls and the floor.

Without road lamps, the village is pitch-black .

A warm and humid climate and sufficient sunshine give Yamei girls a vigorous and graceful body and pitch-black hair.

Now they had skated out the bed of brook and arrive at another glacier banks of the glacier were full of interlaced tall firs and hemlocks the shade covered the moonlight the sky was pitch-black.

The water in the rivers and seas has turned pitch-black, yet putrid waste water keeps emptying into them.

In the pitch-blackness, he felt Hermione take hold of his arm and together, they turned on the spot.

Thee cat from the Dong family saw the rat in the jar stick up its pointed ears, stare with a pair of pitch-black eyes, shake its red whiskers and squeak.


She is an extremely attractive girl, has a pitch-black hair.

This was too much for the good Moon; he put out his big light, all at once, and left the sky pitch-black.