
His heart overflowed with gratitude.

The drains overflowed after the heavy rain.

The toilet overflowed. My bathroom floor is a mess.

First the river overflowed, covering much of our land for weeks.

The old Chuang just obliterated a wash turn of mouth, the blood again creature overflowed dyed ruddy.

And in that instant something occurred that I had never seen happen in my life. His eyes glistened, then overflowed.

Nothing, though, had truly prepared Mr Warren for st Augustine, where so many blacks had been arrested for street marching that they overflowed the county jail.

The species was found growing in damp mud where the hot spring overflowed, and while water reached the surface of the spring at 50c, it was 25c in the area the plant had colonised.

My heart overflowed with tenderness.

The rivers have overflowed their Banks.

All my CARES were over, my happiness overflowed.

Soon the stream which ran beside the camp overflowed and water entered the boxcars.

From this, you can calculate the number of sorts per transaction and the percentage of sorts that overflowed the memory that was available to them.

About, passed through several hours to boil the food fine, the customer then may eat the fresh water which steaming hot, the fragrance four overflowed to boil the steamed rice dumpling.


The river overflowed the Banks.

The beer frothed up and overflowed the glass.

Therefore, he was blamed for the so-called inharmonious voices in those years which were overflowed with praising songs.

Across the country, passengers stood in security lines for hours and trash cans overflowed with everything from mouthwash to shampoo and wine.

The audience easily overflowed the small theatre.

This afternoon, we found the basement was full of water, the river overflowed!

The Qing Huai River floods, mainly from the type of flooding, such as waterlogging type, type and dam overflowed, water-based point of view the situation described in the Huaihe River flood.

The black bile, sourly bitter, rose in Bonasera's throat, overflowed through tightly clenched teeth.

The girl who likes to follow the white clothes, overflowed the naive and beautiful years, a little light snow in his brow, a little look forward, and in a light smile, it has been tactfully and softly tolerant of the cool and thin seasons of the four seasons.

The tank overflowed a little and Thomas hung up the hose and put on the cap and wiped away the splash of gasoline on the rear fender.

You have heard of the cup that overflowed.

Colts overflowed the paddock onto the front lawn, even as her eight children overflowed the rambling house on the hill, and colts and sons and daughters and hunting dogs tagged after her as she went about the plantation.