
Mary is very subject to colds.

Taking extra vitamins may reduce your liability to colds.

Many severe colds undermined the old man's health.

A drug used to counteract the physiological effects of histamine production in allergic reactions and colds.

Medication for colds, allergies, diarrhea, athlete's foot, menstrual cramps, hemorrhoids, constipation, and headaches.

More people get sick during the winter months than the rest of the year with flu, colds, etc., Teach says.

After the age of three, girls are more susceptible than boys, and teenage girls average three colds a year to boys' two.

Overall, researchers didn't find major differences between the four groups, but the length and severity of colds was slightly worse among patients who didn't receive pills.

"Increases in positive emotional styles were linked with decreases in the rate of clinical colds, But a negative emotional style had no effect on whether or not people got sick,"Cohen said."

Both of my children were sick for over a week with colds and after a few days of wiping with tissues... they both had little red patches under their noses... the infant especially.

Mother doctored us for colds and stomachaches.

Possible Uses: Amenorrhea, colds, flu, loss of appetite, tonsillitis.

Many drugs for common ailments such as colds and fevers are available over the counter.

It is estimated that one billion people in the United States suffer from colds in one year.

Experts agree that more human studies are needed to clarify the role of exercise in preventing or reducing the severity of colds and flu.

If you start feeling ill with cold or flu-like symptoms, don't go to school or work. Stay at home and begin the usual home treatment for colds and flu.

Fatigue predispose to colds.

and you won't get so many colds anymore.

Infants are the most cold-ridden group, averaging more than six colds in their first years.

It's not only an excellent tonic for preventing illness but can also clear up colds, catarrh, viruses and fever.

They could create hard-wearing clothing, strengthen our buildings, help repair our broken bones, or they may pick on someone their own size by picking fights with the viruses that cause winter colds.

Warmth is the best remedy for colds.

Freshly extracted carrot juice is one of the best natural medicines available for preventions from colds and viruses.

The physical effects of long term stress include colds, ulcers, asthma, heart attack, stroke,and chronic fatigue--all ailments that can erode your health and your love life.

Common colds need common senses. They don't need antibiotics.

a medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds; works by counteracting the effects of histamine on the receptor site known as H1.

Which translates, I'm guessing, to three months 'worth of colds and stomach viruses.


Fatigue predisposes one to colds.

Antipyretics for the treatment of fever, carbuncles and inflammation, colds and influenza, headache, dry throat, brown urine and constipation.

Studies have shown that just one clove of garlic daily is enough to reduce cholesterol4. Garlic is also good for treatment of bronchitis5, colds, coughs, sore throat, fever and indigestion.