
Third, the twain branch. Net business management in the twain branch . 1. use the oblate technology to resign the organization and improve the management efficiency.

It is like a pomegranate cut in twain with a knife of ivory.

Nesting in the poplar of pearls It spies and questions green Birds twain:

Parabolic mild slope equation and modified mild slope equation are applied to solve refraction diffraction of waves over twain circular shoal.

Note the massive ice stalagmite growing up from the ground to meet the ice tube… will the water freeze before the twain shall meet?

Next night the lad was at the house again, and now a second giant came in at the door, and as he came in the lad cut him in twain, but the legs walked on to the chimney and went up it.

Mark twain was once a river pilot on the Mississippi.

There exist four cross points in this process on the PES of four and twain states. The reaction conducts in twain and four situation potential energy surfaces alternately.

Brittle with excessive frost, many colossal tough-grained maples, snapped in twain like pipestems, cumbered the unfeeling earth.

"Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time." - Mark twain.

In the non-invasive magnetic nerve stimulation of human brain, the coil of figure "8" is mostly used. The peak maximum is corresponding to the center of the coil, and the negative peak value is corresponding to the twain edges of the coil, the latter one is apt to cause abnormal nerve excitation.

Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect." - Mark twain.

This is actually a pretty big topic, and I think it is worth while giving you some background first, so I’ll split the post in twain –Part I is theoretical, Part II is practical.

And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.

Three twain phases dynamic bargain models under converse choice were put forward to settle the work endeavor and advantage distributive problem, which provided the determinate theory by exerting consign-agent theory foundation.

The Lodz group was split in twain by the main thrust of the German Tenth Army.


The twain, lighting a latern, went out to the stable.

For another period this state continued, the twain leading a rather monotonous life, and then there was a slight change for the worse.

Let us consider that we are all insane, it will explain us to each other,it will unriddle many riddles.——mark twain如若假設我們全都瘋狂,彼此之間便有了解釋,許多謎團也將迎刃而解。