
When did all this madness begin?

THERE is no great genius without a tincture of madness.

We have a little more than a month to go of this madness.

"It is madness to risk retaliation from the large trading partners of the EU," he said.

New confusions arise, including strange historical overtones of madness and a lynching 350 years in the past.

In Hardy's world, life could be bleak yet still picturesque; in Lawrence's, madness could be chilling yet maintain a mysterious attraction.

No one wants to be doomed to repeating the same actions when they are not really working (some definition of madness here).

So while we wait for tort reform, and some sanity to return to the medical industry, it's up to all of us to stop the madness where we can.


There was extreme method in his madness.

I am upset by the delusional madness of these plans.

The undercurrent of despair or madness or illogicalness would lead to the impossible fantasies of future.

This crisis plunged Naipaul into what he later called "a great depression verging on madness" that continued for 18 months.

Freedom is when we realize that we can do absolutely anything except force another person to follow us in our madness or our lust for life.

As a teenager he played Wagner's Tristan und Isolde in a piano duet; and he also played it when in a grip of madness in January 1889 in Turin.

How can one haunted by madness be joyful?

He lamented: “I can calculate the motions of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.

Not that any movie is worth such sacrifice, but Apocalypse Now nailed the madness of Americans lost in a jungle of misguided motives and foreign-policy screwups.

Persian Emissary: This is madness!

It would be downright [sheer] madness to do such a thing.

If I manage to outgrow this current madness, the book that I write will open with the last line of Dante's Inferno: "And then we came out to see once more the stars."

This is madness, and it should end. It is madness because the likelihood of Israel achieving the war aims it has set for itself is negligible.

"It means that when a ruler's subjects get it they turn distraught, when they lose it they turn distraught. That is what is meant by saying favour and disgrace goad as it were to madness."

He spoke in a powerful, baritone voice and had a surprisingly regal air to him despite his readily apparent madness.

Those who enjoy this kind of humour reek of madness.

This one, her madness will be to steal food and stuff herself when she’s not even hungry.