
Former vice mayor jailed for taking bribes.

Correspondents have been jailed in China, Malaysia and Singapore.

It's nearly thirty years since a journalist was jailed for refusing to name a source.

Offending products could be seized and condemned; offending persons could be fined and jailed.

In 1844, a mob murdered Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum while they were jailed in Carthage, Illinois.

The Met investigated and, at the start of 2007, Clive Goodman, the newspaper's royal editor, and Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator, were jailed.

In the clean-up that followed, the head of a road-Building department at the ministry was jailed, along with seven others.

Renewed fears have been voiced over the health of another jailed reformist, Saeed Hajarian, a former Khatami adviser who is severely disabled from a failed assassination attempt nine years ago.

Of the group's 12 MEPs elected at the last Euro-election, one was subsequently jailed for fraud and another has been charged with false accounting and money laundering (which he denies).


Their directors may be jailed.

"We work together," said Jama Abdullahi, a jailed pirate.

If they protest, monks say, they can be jailed and tortured.

The family of the victim said that the killer had got his just deserts when he was jailed for life.

Brazilian rancher has been convicted of murdering US nun Dorothy Stang in 2005 and jailed for 30 years, at his third trial over the case.

Mr Afro was jailed for a hit-and-run incident in 2006, despite always insisting that he was not in the car which the prosecution said knocked down and killed a homeless man in Addis Ababa.

Many were jailed afterward.

Zhaan, a Delvian priestess jailed for the brutal murder of her lover;

Since February, many thousands of Egyptians have been jailed by military tribunals or simply slung in jail without trial.

"Offenders can be fined a maximum of RM10,000 or jailed not more than two years or both, if convicted," he said.

But the family turned out to be a gang of militants who chained Nuss to the floor of a stifling, mosquito-ridden windowless room, took photos of him with a gun to his head and demanded the release of comrades jailed for fighting Indian rule in Kashmir.

She was cleared of murder and jailed for just five years for manslaughter.

Ms. Li was arrested the following month for accepting cash and expensive items (including a car) worth 200,000 yuan from the jailed man's brother. In her defense, Ms.

Daniel, this is the place where King Wen was jailed.

A jury unanimously found her guilty after a three-month trial and she was jailed for life.

Thousands of suspects have been killed or jailed.

She has a point: direct criticism of Cuba’s economic system was branded "anti-revolutionary" in the past, and Mr Castro has had economists jailed for saying precisely what he is now conceding.

He also jailed opponents and turned the Treasury into his personal piggy bank, sometimes with bizarre results.

He pleaded guilty to two felonies last fall and was jailed for lying about an affair with his former chief of staff in a case that cost the city millions.