
Web services can be meaningfully classified by service domains and functional categories.

A decorator might return a function, But one that is not meaningfully associated with the undecorated function.

To be able to really meaningfully study and understand what’s going on, it’s going to require as much information as people can get their hands on.

Typically, it should be captured by a set of use cases and other textually represented objectives that can be meaningfully demonstrated to a user. Here is an abstract description.


To escape with a Ph.D., you must meaningfully extend the boundary of human knowledge.

Player characters should be the focus as much as possible, and be offered choices and decisions that meaningfully impact the world around them.

Remember to consider your audience before diving into such questions, as many stakeholders may lack the interest or vocabulary to respond meaningfully.

The values on an interval scale can be added and subtracted, but can not be meaningfully multiplied or divided.

The application should be able to process meaningfully any stream of bytes you send it that it does not reject as DE jure invalid.

If you understand and remember the points just mentioned above, you can talk meaningfully about Aristotelian ethics.

Whatever the boss 'concerns, address them - meaningfully and quickly.

But how many people will trust this new class of systems enough to contribute meaningfully to them, now that they've been burned by Facebook?

We tend to share the views expressed in these works. We use them as a frame-work for suggesting how venture capital research may meaningfully develop in the future.