
And Suez may have another suitor.

If you have a suitor he or she often follows your daily routine with great interest.

The average female spends the time sizing uplooks, physique and dress-sense as well as taking inscent, accent and eloquence of a potential suitor.

Rosemary's suitor was Demetrio Lifrieri, a Sicilian immigrant and an old Business friend of her father's -- it was, in fact, through her father that Rosemary had met him.

In Puccini's Turandot the successful suitor for the hand of the unwilling Turandot tells her that she does not have to marry him if she can find out his name.

No one can be at once suitor and judge.

I heard one of them say to an imaginary suitor, "and you without health or a home."



A suitor is outside.

If you’re just not that into your potential suitor, the dress helpfully says “no way” on your behalf by staying firmly opaque.

She refused her suitor.

When Kim Bondy, a former CNN executive, e-mailed a suitor after a dinner date, she used one of her preferred closings: Chat soon.

But the suitor must also measure up in character and honor and local reputation.

Her son Cayetano Martinez DE Irujo, the Duke of Salvatierra, said just a few weeks ago he had only met his mother's suitor three times and she shouldn't marry because of her historic responsibility.

In Shanghai, the first question about a suitor is, “How many square metres is his apartment?”