
He stated his case before a judge.

The result of the investigation was reported as stated above.

Our surveyors stated that carelessness on the part of the manufacturer caused the shortage.

As we have stated in this report, there have been dramatic improvements made to CM Server since the 7.1 release.

So its problems in Winter can be simply stated: very cold outdoors = no melting = no electricity = very cold indoors.

The Central dogma was beloved of students because it was easy to remember and had no stated exceptions, like any good dogma.

The stated policy of the Department of Energy (DOE) is "not to reprocess" a perfectly reusable byproduct — and all for absolutely no good reason.

However, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has stated that Bison are the "likely source" of the spread of the disease in cattle in Wyoming and North Dakota.

All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of two per cent (2%) of total bid price OR stated fixed amount and must be delivered in accordance with the instructions to Bidders on or before (Hours) on (Date), and will be publicly opened immediately thereafter.

He stated that he had never seen the respondent.

At the appraising meeting, experts stated this method was superior to others.

As I have stated since taking office, the two approaches are not mutually exclusive. They are not in conflict.

Song Tao stated that greatly shocked at the incident, the Chinese Government felt deep grief for the death of Chinese nationals and strongly condemned the atrocity.

At the National Planning Conference held on December 3 last year in Beijing, Zeng Peiyan, minister in charge of the State Development Planning Commission, stated China has successfully fulfilled the major tasks for the Ninth Five-Year Plan (1996-2000).

As the African Leaders malaria Alliance, or ALMA, stated last month: "In Africa, we used to track malaria by metrics of despair: cases and deaths, wasted life and squandered opportunity."

As stated before, the mentor must be listening.

The code even looks similar in many cases, just stated more succinctly.

Then apply a Liner Gradient vertically across the selection, and make sure the starting and ending points of the gradient actually match the ones stated on the screenshot.

Wenger also stated his belief that his outfield squad is good enough for this season's campaign and that other than a keeper, he would not be looking to strengthen his team.

The Fairy Godmother stated, "I know of no prince with that kind of power!

To paraphrase, the open closed Principle is stated as: software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification.

He stated his views to me.

While this version sounds different, it is mathematically the same as the one stated with pigeons and pigeonholes.


Every argument was stated with logical precision.

In order to conclusively decide on an appropriate pattern, we need to explore the catalog of patterns for e-business a bit deeper using our stated requirements as a guide.

I hereby authorize UK to undertake the necessary verification of the information I have stated above.

Anticipating the future is easier if all current and future requirements are clearly and succinctly stated, but this is rarely the case.