
Was this a veiled begging letter?

"I can't afford it" is a good example of a veiled negative.

The mountain veiled in mist is not a hill; an oak tree in the rain is not a weeping willow.

Such legends seem to be a thinly veiled version of pre-Christian fertility rites, rather than an allegory of Christ’s resurrection.

If we want to believe, as Einstein did, that there is a reality independent of our observations, then this reality can either be knowable, unknowable or veiled.

Indeed the title is a thinly veiled homage to one of Koenig's heroes, Joe Strummer, several of the songs here directly influenced by both his life and the music of the Clash.

Dark is the sky! And veiled the unknown morrow!

Yet this is more a veiled threat than an idea, and so doesn't really count.

The wicker woman was seated on the horse, shrouded in a cloak, veiled like a bride. From under the cloak, white flowers fell.

The world, however, is mistaken; my father abandons me from utter indifference, while my mother-in-law detests me with a hatred so much the more terrible because it is veiled beneath a continual smile."

His inauguration speech was a veiled warning not to take his campaign hype at face value.

I've experienced firsthand the barely veiled hostility that being rich-or merely being perceived as rich-can elicit from veritable strangers, even those who are themselves well-off.

Her words sounded like a veiled warning.

As I passed across the court two veiled women looked down from a balcony and cursed me.


Cobwebs veiled the walls like gauze.

Before he received his prestigious award at a glittering dinner in London on Thursday night, The Daily Telegraph was granted rare access to HMS Tireless, which is normally veiled by strict secrecy.

Separatist conspirators were attempting to arrange the secession of Ansion through a number of veiled fronts.

Steeped in death, conquest, desire, and mystery, the legend of the lost Inca gold is guarded by remote, mist-veiled mountains in central Ecuador.