
They are the underclass and thus usually left out of the picture.

For me, education was the rabbit hole through which I escaped the underclass.

Similar to other underclass, migrant workers in contemporary transition China are also struggling in a seemingly "legitimate" unequal status system.

So what if some of that financial largesse could be deployed within the surrounding city blocks, creating assets and new wealth within the underclass?

But so far it's helped only the middle class, not the massive underclass, which remains at risk of intimidation and violence.

The millions of urban squatters pouring into megacities each year are not simply a new global migrant underclass, consigned to live in chaos and work in the shadow economy.

In the underclass (black, white and Hispanic alike), intact families are now an endangered species.

The underclass consists of the poor, the homeless, many of the unemployed, the emotionally disturbed, and the disabled.

Chapter II starting from the concrete works, concrete works through the analysis and description of the underlying image shows the true reality of the spiritual world underclass.

It is from this "underclass," and those who take advantage of it, that most of the violence springs — the violence which is one of the least pleasant aspects of American society.

An underclass boy named Wusan entered a monastery without revealing his status.

But the Tanka on their boats remain a people apart, an underclass in the region's economic boom.

The long-term unemployed are becoming a new underclass.

In short, we're well on the way to creating a permanent underclass of the jobless. Why doesn't Washington care?


The lower classification is certainly provided as the underclass by the media, such as in the BBC article, 'England riots, the return of the underclass' (2011).

It is from this "underclass," and those who take advantage of it, that most of the violence springs, which is one of the least pleasant aspects of American society.

Some blame Britain's unequal society and the large underclass that it creates.

Officials of several unions vow to strip this provision because it would create an underclass of workers more prone to exploitation and lower wages.