
Or was the panda donation a gimmick?

"His solutions have all been government-focused and very temporary gimmick fixes," said Bachmann.

That means they don't manage to integrate their gimmick seamlessly into their presentation as a way of illustrating their points.

Mocher Cherguim, the shopkeeper, was clearly disappointed when I told him that the hat would just be a gimmick for a party.

On Tuesday, Mr. Odinga flatly rejected an offer by the Kenyan leader to meet at his official residence on Friday, saying Mr. Kibaki was using the planned meeting as a public relations gimmick.


They employ another gimmick, too.

Some people have called her "gimmick" really clever; others ask if she feels ashamed, she said.

The game Move Party showed off these features, but it seemed more like a slick visual gimmick than an exciting new type of game.

Conservative MPs who distrust the eu-ie, most of them-seem glumly certain that the referendum lock is a piffling idea, a gimmick that will do little to defend British interests.

Yet brokerage executives defended the gains, saying they were more than just an accounting gimmick.

So, every time I find myself intrigued by a new product or baited by a gimmick, I ask myself if that thing will make my life better.

In some solidly Labour cities, the reform is derided as a "Tory" gimmick.

It's an example of a gimmick, a trick or a stunt designed to attract your attention away from your daily routine.

This gimmick usually attracts the attention of shoppers and can exponentially boost sales once the book makes the NYT list.

That's a good gimmick.

Its most exciting finding relates to an off-balance-sheet accounting gimmick.