
On the shoulder on the boulder And made the bold bald bear on the boulder bawl.

Given enough warning, it should be possible to push a threatening boulder out of the way.

The unusual house in Corsica is made out of a large boulder whose overhang has been bricked in.

Focal points can take many forms in landscapes and could range from a building or structure, a striking tree, a boulder or rock formation, a silhouette etc.

“Hey guys,” Annabel said. “Look at this.” Trevor and Lionel rushed out of the water as Julia and Megan crowded around a boulder that Annabel had found.


In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway.

The guy in Utah who cut off his arm to free himself from under a fallen boulder.

Northern Colorado's Big Thompson River flows from the Rocky Mountains (west) to the Great Plains (east) through a steep-walled, boulder-strewn canyon.

A visitor might have said the room looked very much like the interior of a large boulder (though visitors had been truly rare for ages) and it did tend to collect dust.

We hear the sound of the river rush past boulder below.

As with Sisyphus, the boulder was painstakingly rolled upwards only to tumble back down again in an absurd exercise of futility.

Wow, look at that boulder.

They then walked hand in hand toward the large boulder that marks the area where Flight 93 crashed.


He was unable to budge the boulder.

I was on a climbing trip on all the granite boulders scattered in this area, when Johan jumped between the boulder he had just climbed and the one you get down from.

The current was quite strong, and I just stayed behind the boulder.

This is not linear step-by-step progress, the boulder gradually nudged up the slope, but progress characterized by huge leaps and bounds forward.