
Clustered white glass villas and trees ascend upward to contour the Beverly Hills skyline and provide a distinctive streetscape on Wilshire Boulevard.

form-based codes go beyond conventional zoning by addressing the relationship of the building to the streetscape and the proper relationship between buildings in order to define a desired urban form.


We've all seen the awkward images of Google Maps streetscape flying all over the Internet. It's just too much.

It also features the unique "malls-within-a-mall" concept with themed shopping areas like Gold Souk, Fashion Island, and the Grove, an indoor-outdoor streetscape with a fully retractable roof.

The folded enclosure provides alcoves along the exercise areas, where active users and equipment add a sense of colour and movement to the streetscape.

The construction and the control of streetscape based on the elemental constitution

The dusk of the dusk and the dim streetscape, if we meet each other, will be translated into the sadness of this season.