
Information on demographics, medical and reproductive history, medication use, menopausal experience and depressive symptoms (PHQ-8) were collected.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Post-menopausal Chinese women who eat a Western-style diet heavy in meat and sweets face a higher risk of breast cancer than their counterparts who stick to a typical Chinese diet loaded with vegetables and soy, a study found.

Dismissive of Waheeba, she scorns the very idea that this lump of a woman, “obese, menopausal, illiterate”, could be her rival in anything.


The tie also helps relieve headaches and is used for people with multiple sclerosis and menopausal women.

Osteoporosis : A Californian study of 980 post-menopausal women found that those who drank two cups of coffee a day suffered a greater loss in bone density than those who didn't.

The personality characteristic of menopausal women represents the higherr neuroticism and psychoticism.