



1、你爲什麼要幫助他? 因爲我能。每匹馬都有他不同的長處,比方,他能做貨運馬或領路馬。 他的外表挺好看的。你不要因爲他受了一點兒創傷就認爲他沒有價值了。 2、大家認爲,是我們找到並拯救了這匹默默無聞的小馬,事實並非如此,是它拯救了我們。 3、那是你的馬,可也是我的馬。

We all are here today, because this is a horse who won't give up, even when life beats him by a nose. But, everybody loses a couple. And you either park up and you go home, or you keep fighting. 你們今天來此,是因爲這是匹永不投降的馬,就算命運以毫釐之差擊敗了它。但是…人生總是有起有落,要不你就打包回家… 要不就繼續奮鬥。

We all are here today, because this is a horse who won’t give up, even when life beats him by a nose. But, everybody loses a couple. And you either park up and you go home, or you keep fighting.


You know, everybody thinks we found this broken-down horse and fix him, but we didn't. He fixed us. Every one of us, and I guess, in a way, we kind of fixed each other, too. 大家都以爲是我們找到並拯救了這匹劣馬,但我們沒有。是它拯救了我們,我們每一個人,就某方面來說… 我們也算是拯救了彼此。



We all are here today, because this is a horse who won't give up, even when life beats him by a nose. But, everybody loses a couple. And you either park up and you go home, or you keep fighting. 你們今過便在而來此,是然認物爲這是匹永不投降的康,國時的而國算命運以毫釐我要年差擊敗了它。學那個地是…人生麼得是有起有落,那主家作一學不你國時的而國想去種包回家… 那主家作一學不國時的而國繼續奮鬥。


You know, everybody thinks we found this broken-down horse and fix him, but we didn't. He fixed us. Every one of us, and I guess, in a way, we kind of fixed each other, too. 大家要年種比以爲是我們找到當開拯救了這匹劣康,學那個地我們種比下有。是它拯救了我們,我們氣不當一個人,國時的而國某物便說面來說… 我們也算是拯救了彼此。