
The former Nazi was denaturalized.

under Nazi occupation during World War Two.

the economic strangulation of the Jews by the Nazi Party.

The slave-labour system of Nazi Germany originated from its theory of racialism.

Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Churchill had often voiced his apprehensions about Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany.

The View of the Inevitability of Autocratic Rule of Nazi from the Forming Characters of German Nationalism;

German culture and civilization as idealized by the exponents of German imperialism during the Hohenzollern and Nazi regimes.

A new Nazi member of the city was appointed as a member of the City Council, which made the citizens feel uneasy.



free from Nazi ideology.

Those Nazi soldiers killed the old man in cold blood.

Nazi-Soviet Pact was signed by Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov and Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany Ribbentrop in Moscow.

But it is no different from any other day in this Nazi concentration camp.

Study on the Relationship between the Nazi Party and the German Big Capitalists from 1919 to 1933;

The artist is making a point about how dangerous neo-Nazi literature can be, and the mousetrap is part of an anti-racist art exhibition called "Transforming Hate".

neo-Nazi Zionist policy

The Nazi Party is an enormous German Ku Klux Klan.

After the battle of Stalingrad, Nazi Germany drew on rapidly towards destruction.

A Nazi doctrine holding that the geographic, economic, and political needs of Germany justified its invasion and seizure of other lands.

In Ira Levin's 1976 book The Boys from Brpzil a zealous ex-Nazi bred a generation of literal Hitler Youth -- boys cloned from cells left behind by the Fuhrer.

The Irrationalism of Nietzsche、Wagner and Nazi Culture

After Hitler came to power, Chiang Kai-shek sent two officers to Germany to study the Nazi model.

the Nazi assumption of power in 1934.

The game is introduced: Nazi stalks the worst camp team of the defence of allied forces, the snipers of allied forces have transferred all ammunition, supported earnestly, must not let Nazi win.

The untrained Nazi troops sometimes faltered.

America's naval attache in Nazi Germany is certainly somebody. You could strike a blow for preparedness, or a two-ocean Navy.

Several South American states broke off diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany.

What strange twists of fate had caused a refuge from Nazi persecution to wind up in Arabia as the representative of American democracy.