
A woman said that toddlers raised alongside a trilling insect were not easily startled by noise.

Not least because there would be absolutely no point in packaging up shortbreads for the ever-hungry Guardian hordes, and I'm allergic to trilling.

Unlike other bats and trilling birds, the clear-winged woolly bat and its relatives did not switch to a more narrow-band call as they got to this super-fast calling level.

The bassoon achieves its effect by a series of techniques, including leaping periods and trilling.

He continues, "and that is how it came about that we were standing there trilling pills, preparing ointments and dressing wounds the whole day long."

The trademark Predator clicking growl, rumbled within the throat, can mean either pleasure or curiosity - and a clattering, trilling sound is the equivalent of Predator laughter.


They came running crying out joyously in trilling girlish voices.

How the sun rose above the granite and concrete. How the pigeon flew above you, the whistle around its tail feathers trilling.

A harsh, trilling sound, such as that made by crickets.